Three Quick Fixes to Upgrade Your Home Office

Working primarily from home can have a lot of benefits, but, as many of us have discovered, it also brings plenty of challenges. Whether it’s a lack of privacy or struggling to stay motivated, these challenges can ultimately affect how we perform at work.

But, whether your remote office is an entire room or just a corner in the kitchen, there are several simple things you can do to instantly upgrade your home-working set up to help address these challenges.

These changes can be made to improve your physical or mental health or simply to help aid productivity. Here are three things you can do to positively alter your working environment at home.

Add Items to Help Boost Productivity

You’ll be spending a lot of time in your new office, so it’s important to be happy with its design. Make your desk a positive place to be, and you may find this helps to boost motivation and productivity. In fact, studies have shown that bringing plants or other flora into the office can improve productivity by up to 15% in workers.

There is a fine line between adding some valuable items to your desk and cluttering it with unnecessary distractions. Decorate your space with some photos of loved ones, or invest in a small plant or a fragrant candle, but avoid installing items that will take your focus away from work. Think about objects that you’d usually find in your normal office, and keep things streamlined.

Use an Ergonomic Chair

One of the most important components of your home office is your chair. If you’ve noticed new pains or strains in your body, it could be a sign that your working setup isn’t fit for purpose. Perhaps you’ve been using a kitchen chair (or worse still, your bed) to prop you up throughout the working day. Whilst this might be more convenient at first, investing in an ergonomic chair will not only provide you with greater comfort and support, it can also help to boost productivity.

An ergonomic chair is specifically designed to increase the level of support for your back and neck to promote a more healthy posture. It will also allow for more adjustability, meaning you can follow recommended guidelines for the height and angle of your chair.

Set Clear Boundaries With Your Space

This guide on how to achieve a work-life balance at home highlights how finding privacy and setting boundaries are two of the most important factors when it comes to establishing your home office. Perhaps you’ve previously set up in a busy communal area of the home – did you feel fully focused? Whilst this might be the most convenient option in terms of space, it’s not the most conducive to a productive working style.

There are several different ways you can set boundaries with your family. It could be achieved by creating a physical schedule, demonstrating times when you don’t want to be interrupted to allow you to fully focus on your professional responsibilities. Alternatively, you can start using visual cues to prevent disruption from other household members. These can include wearing headphones, closing doors or using a physical timer to differentiate between work hours and leisure time.